יום רביעי, 15 באוגוסט 2012

Q: Is OCS some kind of male cattle, OR is it The Solution for your Financial Gap?

 A:  You would probably misspell "OCS" for "Ox". There is a slight, but significant, difference between the two words:

From Wikipedia: "An Ox (plural Oxen), is an adult male cattle trained as a working animal. Oxen are commonly castrated, and therefore more tractable..."

Whereas, "The Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (MOITAL) ....oversees all Government sponsored support of R&D in the Israeli industry..."(quoted from the OCS website: http://www.moit.gov.il/NR/exeres/3C96E1CF-EDFA-4F16-BACE-216773805124.htm)

So, why is the OCS The solution for your Financial Gap? Let's pause and rewind to the beginning:

Here is a familiar scenario: You are a high-tech graduate, an early stage inventor, or an entrepreneur, and you have just come up with the greatest idea for a start-up. Fantastic! Isn't it?
Let us say that your idea appears to be a substantial breakthrough in your field of interest. Wow! Real potential!
You start to really believe in this idea of yours, so you decide to recruit your high-tech friends to this project, invest most of your savings, raise some extra cash from the bank, your friends and parents;
However, you still lack that silent partner, who would add a significant amount of cash into the equation and would participate in the intimidating business & technological risks without "swallowing" your innovation with in a draconian gulp contact.

You are experiencing what I call "The Financial Gap" which is preventing you from jumping into the cold water of R&D innovation and initiative, which eventually would give your invention a giant boost to found a real business. And each minute passing by, your potential competitors are gaining time and are maybe even beating you to what was your potential business Exit...

Now - isn't that a pity?

Here is The solution:
  1. You can apply for various R&D OCS government grants, which in the case of the Project's success - becomes a government non-interest-bearing loan.
  2. You can obtain between 20% and 50% of your project's funding, depending on the dimensions of your project: Its innovation, originality, risk level, technical and business potential, potential volume of production, location (in Israel or abroad), as well as its added value and its contribution to the industrial development of the State of Israel.
  3. If your project is successful and your have a business exit - this is your Big-time benefit. The government's 'cut' is in royalties - between 3% - 3.5% per year of your sales until the final loan repay.
  4. If your project is closed - certainly not pleasant, but definitely a possible scenario: In this case, the money invested by the state in your project will become a government grant which you will not need to return.

Definitely worth a try, isn't it?            Good luck with it!

MaximOCS focuses on Maximizing the Income from the Israeli OCS sponsorship programs for start-ups and R&D companies which feature technological breakthroughs with minimum risk in development and commercialization.

MaximOCS main expertise is Optimizing the OCS Funding Process and Bureaucracy Removal from your way, leaving you a clear mind to perform your R&D activities.

For more information please visit our website at www.MaximOCS.cm, or contact us at: Boaz@maximOCS.com

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